**Pattern Name:** Creativity
**Introduction:** Reactivity is not enough.

Temperate Syntropic Farming
In many cases the old way is not working, even destroying the planet. So "creativity" points toward new and better ways.
Increasingly complex human made worlds can be usefully simplified by creating less complex choices. Focusing on what works for local wellbeing for everyone is infact simpler than choosing among all the competing options.
As supply chains and global financial institutions fail we will begin to rely on local provision of almost everything.
There is a lot to be relocalized. The key to success will be the degree of local creativity, as opposed to force fitting foreign designs.
**PROBLEM:** **Too many bad choices are on offer.**
**Forces:** Propaganda Commercial advertising Poverty Debt
**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** **Co-create local solutions that fit local situations and require the absolute minimum outside expertise or resources.**
Apply continuous local creativity to every problem that we face.
**Consequences:** Self sufficiency. Skills Companionship
**Known Uses:**