**Pattern Name** Central Texas Stewardship Group
**Introduction** This group is designed to recognize and promote regenerative efforts in Central Texas. There are numerous folks in Central Texas working to regenerate the earth, although it seems our efforts are siloed. This group intends to weave the various siloed efforts to actively build more resilient, self-reliant communities. We invite local practitioners to share their ideas and experiences to create an applied learning exchange. Besides having a roundtable, activities include workshops at Green Gate Farms, possible community dinners, etc. We also intend to be the group / committee that governs (decentrally) Green Gate Neighborhood Development Center funds and other organizational decisions.
**CONTEXT** The Green Gate Neighborhood Development Center will have many projects, programs, folks involved... etc. There is a need for coordination.
**PROBLEM** A group is needed to act as the stewards of the Green Gate Neighborhood Development Center, and act as its coordinators / weavers.
**THEREFORE (SOLUTION)** The Central Texas Stewardship Group will act as the weavers and leaders of regenerative work that is facilitated through the Green Gate Neighborhood Development Center.
**Known Uses**
**CONNECTED PATTERNS** **Supports** **Supported by**