Seed Festival

**Pattern Name** Seed Festival / Heritage Seeds Festival

**Introduction** Across India, seed festivals focus primarily on heritage/heirloom, native, and indigenous seed varieties, including vegetables, crops, grains, and oil seeds, with some attention to perennial crops.

**CONTEXT** From the early days of farming in India, people moved across agroclimatic zones carrying and sowing strains in their newfound homes, spreading rich and resilient biodiversity, letting the fittest and most resilient strains to survive. Local, hardy varieties use less resources and are tolerant to the vagaries of weather, and are thus suitable for climate change adaptation.

**PROBLEM** There is an increasing reliance on non-local food sources / seeds (vulnerable to climate change), and less of an emphasis on the conservation of heirloom and indigenous varieties.


**THEREFORE (SOLUTION)** The Seed Festival is an event held to exchange and raise awareness of heirloom and indigenous seeds, and also to share knowledge held within communities that steward the conservation of these seed varieties.

