Free Clothing Rack Outside Method

**Method Name:** Free Clothing Rack Outside Method

If you live in Austin, TX you should have the clothes you need. **The Free Clothing Rack Outside Method** helps neighbors help neighbors. Have extra clothes? Hang em up. Need clothes? Take em! No permission necessary.

**CONTEXT:** The Free Clothing Rack Outside method was inspired by the Leo's Community Development Center. They use free clothing racks at their community center and we at Central Texas Bioregional Learning Centre were inspired to try the method out too.

**PROBLEM:** People can't always afford new clothes and there aren't easy ways to get clothes we don't need into the hands of those who do. Some in need are also embarrassed about it and don't want to ask for help.

**Forces:** Lack of financial security, homelessness, low wages, high prices

**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** Secure donated clothing and hang them up on a clothing rack outside so anyone can take what they need without permission.

**Actions:** - Consider putting up a sign encouraging people to give what they can and take what they need.

**Consequences:** - Mothers have come to outfit their children - Helping in this way creates a bridge to conversations with community members who aren't seen very often, yet they have some of the greatest needs. - From clothes its expanded to blankets, shoes, and more.